
Format: 2024
Ordinances Table
Ordinance ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
655 Ordinances 655: Adopts Ch. 12, Section 05, Prohibiting Obstruction of Streets, Sidewalks, Easements Link
654 Ordinances 654: Budget for FY 2015-2016 Link
653 Ordinances 653: Establishing Park Regulations Link
652 Ordinances 652: Establishing New Office Fees Link
651 Ordinances 651 Original: Amends Code 1966, 18.08.010; Ord No. 312, 18.08.010, 6-1-1981 Adding Mixed Sized Residential (M-S-R) as a Zoning District Designation to Chapter 18.08 Link
651 Ordinances 651 Repealed by Ord 719 Link
650 Ordinances 650: Vacation & Replat of Block 1, Buffalo Addition Link
649 Ordinances 649: Amends Chapter 15.16 to Conform to Federal Requirements Declaring an Emergency Link
648 Ordinances 648 DIED Link
647 Ordinances 647 Original: Ameds Ord 632, Age of Mobile Homes That Will Be Allowed Within the Town of Mills. REPEALED BY ORD 719 Link
647 Ordinances 647 Repealed by Ord 719 Link
646 Ordinances 646: Amends Chapter 05.04, Business License. Will be Reviewed annually and set by Resolution Link
645 Ordinances 645: Amends Ord 465, Changing the Length of Time that Allows for Recreational Vehicles to be parked on Public Street Link
644 Ordinances 644: Annexation of River Heights Acres Link
643 Ordinances 643: Amends Municipal Code 19.16.070, Establishing New Fees Link
642 Ordinances 642: 2014-2015 Budget Amendment: Mayors Salary Link
641 Ordinances 641: Adopt Commercial RV Park Site Requirements Link
640 Ordinances 640: 2014-2015 Budget Amendment Link
639 Ordinances 639: Vacation and Replat of Lot 1 & 2, Block 4 (3rd & Benton) Link
6381 Ordinances 638-1 Link
638 Ordinances 638: Vacation and Replat of All Lots14 & 15, Block 39 (8th & Morgan) Link
637 Ordinances 637: Amends Ord. 465, Section 10.36.100 Entitled "Recreational Vehicle Parking - Violation" Link
636 Ordinances 636 Original: Exception to 18.08.045 Mobile Homes; REPEALED BY ORD 719 Link
636 Ordinances 636 Repealed by Ord 719 Link
635 Ordinances 635: Amends 10.36.020 to Include Parkways Link
